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Bentley Community Reorganisation
by David Warr - 28 July 2009

For many years the Bentley Community has provided a venue for Bentley product users to gather and exchange experiences. Whether you were a MicroStation user, or a user of any one of a host of application based on MicroStation, this was the place to come to enhance your knowledge.

Membership was on the basis of an annual subscription levied on individuals. The principle was that this type of membership allowed individual members to express their views without the pre-condition of ‘toeing’ their employers’ line. The committee is well aware that current economic conditions have meant that members are moving employment at a rate faster than the community can keep track of them. As a result members are in danger of becoming disenfranchised.

The Bentley Community is mindful that in times such as these it should be playing a major role in helping members maintain and improve their professional skills.

To this end the Bentley Community will no longer be charging an annual membership fee after November 2009. The only precondition of attendance at Community events is that attendees are Bentley product users and that they purchase an entrance ticket as appropriate. Events will be charged to cover the cost of venues, accommodation, and administration. In this way event costs will be kept to an absolute minimum for the foreseeable future.

There will four monthly events starting in September 2009 covering BIM, Modeling, Printing and Publishing, and Visualisation. The first two will be free to existing members, thereafter all events will be chargeable.

Details of these are on the Events pages so please make diary notes and don’t miss this great opportunity. The Community continues to be committed to the idea that face to face gatherings are important and wants your support to continue this tradition. It could be the key to your future.

David Warr
Bentley Community Chairman